Thursday, February 21, 2013

John T. McCraw Scholarship Program

The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland are offering two (2) scholarships in the amount of $2000 and $1500 for qualified legally blind students who exhibit academic achievement and community involvement.

Applications are due by April 19, 2013.  See Ms. Nusser for application.

Port Tobacco Players

The Port Tobacco Players is offering two (2) $750 Lillian Medas Memorial Scholarships to college bound high school seniors involved in the performing arts.  Applicants must have a B average and be involved with community service.

Scholarship details as well as the application are available at  Lillian Medas Memorial Scholarship or in the scholarship drawer in the AP Seminar Room.

The deadline is May 1, 2013.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

SYB Optimist Club of Lusby Scholarship

Two (2) $500 scholarship awards will be made to college bound seniors who have participated in an SYB sports program.  Applicants must attend college full-time at a 2 or 4 year college or technical school.

These scholarships are 100% merit based:  applicants are judged on the basis of scholastic achievement and school and community involvement.  The application includes a 100 word personal statement describing why you are a deserving candidate for this scholarship.

The deadline is May 1, 2013.  Applications can be found in the scholarship drawer in the AP Seminar Room.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Maryland Ready Mix Concrete Association, Inc.

If you are a senior planning to major in concrete or the construction industry (construction management, etc.), this is a $2000 scholarship opportunity.

Applicants must be college prep., be active in school or community groups, exhibit a strong interest in pursuing a career in the construction industry and be a resident of Maryland.

The deadline for the application is May 1, 2013.  These applications are in the scholarship drawer in the AP Seminar Room.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Charles Serabian Knights of Columbus Scholarship

This is a $1000 scholarship for seniors whose parents/guardians are registered parishoners of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church or whose father is a member of the Knights of Columbus Council 9258.

Applicants must provide their high school transcript, resume, letters of recommendation and an auto-biographical essay explaining life's goal and how this scholarship would help you attain that goal.

The deadline is April 15, 2013.  Turn applications in to Ms. Nusser in the guidance office.  See the scholarship drawer in the AP Seminar Room for the application.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Erica Weems Memorial Scholarship

Two $1000 scholarships will be awarded to college bound female athletes attending Calvert County Public Schools.  Applicants must demonstrate strong character and a positive outlook on life.

A recommendation is required from the athlete's coach together with a 250-500 word essay relating to the life of Ms. Erica Weems, a former Patuxent High School teacher and coach who:  "gave of herself unselfishly and put her whole heart in whatever she pursued in life.  She had outstanding athletic ability and loved all types of sports.  She was a motivator and always encouraged others to do their best.  Erica loved spending time with her family and had a strong belief and trust in God."

These scholarship applications are to be turned into Ms. Mahar in the guidance office; applications are in the scholarship drawer.

The deadline is April 15, 2013.

The Optimist Club of Calvert Vocational Award

This is a $1250 scholarship for seniors who attended the Calvert Career & Technology Academy and completed a pathway there.

Applicants will be judged as to qualifies of character, citizenship and scholastic ability as well as financial need and thoughtfulness in completing the application.

Turn these applications into Ms. Nusser in guidance by April 15, 2013.  The applications are available in the AP Seminar Room in the scholarship drawer.

The Optimist Club of Calvert Scholarship Awards

THIS IS A BIGGIE!!!  First place is $7000!!  Second place is $5000!!

Applicants will be judged based on qualities of character, citizenship and scholastic ability.  Other considerations include financial need and thoughtfulness in completing the application.

Once completed, turn these applications into Ms. Nusser in Guidance.

The deadline is April 15, 2013.  Applications are available in the AP Seminar Room in the scholarship drawer.

Senator Roy Dyson's Scholarship

Seniors planning to enroll full-time or part-time at a 2 or 4 year college or private career school in Maryland can apply for the Senatorial scholarship.

Seniors must have completed a FAFSA and must contact Senator Dyson's office for the application. 

Scholarship amounts vary from $400 to $2000.

Contact Senator Dyson's office at 301-858-3673 or email him at

The deadline is April 12, 2013.

Delta Kappa Gamma Society Teacher Ed. Grant

Majoring in education?  Apply for this $600 grant.  Applicants are judged on their academic record, 500 word essay, 2 letters of recommendation, high school resume and financial need.

The essay should explain why you are interested in becoming a teacher; what level you are interested in teaching and what subject and why.

The deadline is April 15, 2013.  Applications are in the AP Seminar Room filed in the scholarship drawer.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Star Spangled Banner Flag House Essay Contest

This is a 250 word essay scholarship contest to award $1812 for the high school senior with the best short essay on:  "How is the American flag relevant to you?"  It is the Bicentennial of the War of 1812; thus, the amount for the scholarship!

The deadline for this scholarship is February 15, 2013 at 4:00 pm; you must submit your entry online.  The winner will read his/her essay at the annual Flag House Flag Day Celebration on June 14, 2013 in Baltimore.

The entry form is available at The Star-Spangled Banner

Concerned Black Men of Calvert County, Inc.

This is a $1000 scholarship awarded to African American students who have a minimum 2.0 or better GPA over the last two (2) years of high school.  This scholarship can be renewed if the student maintains a "B" average during freshman year of college.

Applicants must provide letter(s) of acceptance; three (3) letters of recommendation (2 academic and 1 community); high school resume; brief essay; a wallet sized picture and a high school transcript.

The deadline is April 6, 2013.

Applications are available in the AP Seminar Room in Guidance filed in the scholarship drawer or go to Concerned Black Men

Southern Maryland Chain Chapter "The Links" Scholarship

Three to six (3-6) scholarships of $500 or $1000 are awarded to Tri-County area graduating seniors who have academic and community involvement and submit the application with an essay, letter of recommendation and transcript.  Applicant finalists will be contacted and invited for an interview.

The deadline is April 1, 2013.

Applications are available in the AP Seminar Room in Guidance filed in the scholarship drawer.

Maryland PTA Scholarship

This is a $500 renewable scholarship for a college bound senior who plans to major in education, attend a Maryland college or university, and is a Maryland PTA member in good standing.

Applicants are judged on their commitment to their career in education; financial need; academic record and their student resume.  All applicants must have a 2.75 minimum un-weighted GPA.  A 1000 word essay, the Student Aid Report (SAR) from the FAFSA, the transcript, 2 letters of recommendation and a student resume are required.

Applications are available in the AP Seminar Room in Guidance filed in the scholarship drawer.

The deadline is March 15, 2013.

Sabre STEM Scholarship

Six (6) $1000 scholarships will be awarded by Sabre Systems, Inc. to graduating high school seniors planning to major in one of the STEM disciplines (information sciences & technology; engineering; statistics; math; geographic information systems; STEM teachers; computer network security, etc.)

Students must have a minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA and attend one of the Tri-County area high schools.

Applications are in the AP Seminar Room in Guidance in the scholarship file or click on STEM

The deadline is March 15, 2013.

Delegate Anthony O'Donnell Legislative Scholarship

If you will be enrolling in a Maryland 2 or 4 year college or technical career school, apply for Delegate O'Donnell's scholarship.  Each delegate determines the eligibility criteria for this scholarship but the Student Aid Report from the FAFSA and a high school transcript is required..

The minimum award for this scholarship is $200.

The deadline is April 15, 2013.

Applications can be found in the AP Seminar Room in guidance filed in the scholarship drawer.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Calvert Local Scholarship Application

There are 32 different scholarships you can apply for with one set of application materials!  The application is filled out on the computer and printed out - the website is

Applicants need a sealed, official transcript; SAT/ACT scores sheet; the Student Aid Report (SAR) from the FAFSA; your student resume; 2 letters of recommendation, one academic and one community; and a 350 word essay describing your educational and career goals.

Check for a description of all the scholarship criteria.

Applications are due to the PHS Guidance office by March 15, 2013.