Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Redefining Ready! National Scholarship 2018 Contest

Ending Soon!!!
The Redefining Ready! National Scholarship 2018 lets America’s graduating high school seniors tell the world how they are college, career, and life ready beyond a single test score. Examples include completion of an internship, AP or dual credit classes while in high school, near-perfect attendance, or participation in clubs, sports, and school activities.

  • One (1) National First Place Winner ($5000)
  • One (1) National Runner-Up ($2500)
  • Seven (7) Regional Winners, representing each AASA region ($2000)
  • Seven (7) Regional Runner-Ups, representing each AASA region ($1000)
Deadline: See website for count down to deadline   https://www.redefiningready.org/national-scholarship/

The story must be told via a 30 sec video posted on YouTube and shared on Twitter by using the hashtag #RedefiningReady and tagging @AASAHQ and @Hobsons.

National Organization of Concerned Black Men

This is a $1000 scholarship awarded to African American students who have a minimum 2.0 or better GPA over the last two (2) years of high school.  This scholarship can be renewed if the student maintains a "B" average during freshman year of college.

Applicants must provide letter(s) of acceptance; three (3) letters of recommendation (2 academic and 1 community); high school resume; brief essay; a wallet sized picture and a high school transcript.

Criteria for Selection:

1. Financial/economic need
2. Character and Conduct
3. Participation in school and community Activities
4. Attributes in school and community activities
5. Academic Achievements
 6.Goals and objectives of the student
7. Responsibility

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Morgan State University Alumni Scholarship 2018

Eligibility Guidelines and Requirements:
Who may apply: Current high school seniors who will be graduating in Spring 2018 and will be attending Morgan State University beginning in Fall 2018 semester. The applicant must have at least a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.

Deadline: April 13, 2018

Award: $500 - $100

Find application in scholarship drawer in guidance work room