Thursday, November 14, 2019

Flourish Scholarship

Deadline November 30, 2019
$1,000- 1 award

To be eligible a student must:
-Be at least 13 years old and enrolled or will enroll in a college or university in the U.S.
-Be a legal resident of the U.S or Puerto Rico

Applications can be found at:

10 Words or Less Scholarship

Deadline November 30, 2019
1 award- $500

To be eligible a student must:
-Be between the ages 14-25 who will be attending school in the fall of 2020

Applications can be found at :

Bachus and Schanker Scholarship

Deadline November 30, 2019
$2,000 - 2 awards

To be eligible a student must:
-be a high school senior accepted to a four year university by the time of the award or full time student attending a four year college who carries a 3.0 cumulative GPA.

Applications can be found by going to:

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

MarylandJCI Senate Scholarship

This year Maryland JCI Senate will award two $1,000 Scholarships to deserving seniors from Maryland high schools. The Maryland winner will be chosen based on merit and need.
Deadline is January 25, 2020.

More information can be found in the scholarship drawer in guidance or go to

The applications can be sent by mail to:
Patrick Allison
C/O Maryland JCI Senate
303 Sydney Lane
Denton, MD 21629

Live an Amazing Life Adventure Grant

Open to women 18-30 living in Maryland, with a plan to have an adventure. Adventures might include taking a class, traveling, attending an internship, fellowship,or volunteer program, doing research, or many more opportunities we haven’t thought of.

This is a one time grant of $3000, paid in installments.
Applications requirements include: detailed budget and proposal, letter of recommendation, and brief application.  Deadline is January 12, 2020

The Girls Gone Great Scholarship

Open to women 17-24, living in Maryland who are attending or plan to attend a 4 year college. Special considerations will be given to students who are transferring from a 2 year school to a 4 year college. This award is a one time grant of $3000.

Requirements include: a short essay, letter or recommendation, and a brief application.
Applications can be found in the scholarship drawer in guidance.

Deadline is January 12, 2020

Monday, November 4, 2019

Deadline: April 3, 2020

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO) will select seven high school seniors in their service area to interview and possibly receive $1500 scholarships based on scholastic achievement, financial need, and community and school involvement.  

Applicants must include...

  • Proof of residency 
  • A letter of acceptance to a college or technical school
  • A Student Aid Report (SAR) from FAFSA
  • A one page essay, typed, double-spaced titled "Why Is a College Education Important to Completing my Lifetime Goals"
  • Two letters of reference (minimum)
Applicants must also have a minimum 3.0 GPA.