Thursday, December 3, 2020

Maryland Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship

 The Maryland State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (MSSDAR) awards $1000 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are Maryland residents. Applicants must be citizens of the United States and plan to attend an accredited college or university in the United States, pursuing an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree. Scholarships are renewable for up to an additional 3 years upon annual review and approval of an official college transcript by the State Chairman. It is expected that students maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA. 


This scholarship application has been placed on the PHS School Counselor Schoology page. Go to Resources / Class of 2021 / Scholarships to access this application. You will need to print out this application. If you are unable to print, please contact Ms. Ryon and I can help. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships

DAR National Scholarships

Click on the link for DAR scholarship opportunities. Each scholarship opportunity has its own individual criteria and may require specific documents to be uploaded into your application. The scholarships opportunities range from nursing, medicine, occupational or physical therapy, law, business administration, English, science, math, chemistry, music (voice and piano), history, government, American Studies, horticulture, and elementary and secondary education. Two scholarships are specifically for American Indian students (you must be able to prove tribal membership) and twenty-six of the scholarships opportunities are for graduating high school students, college undergraduate students, or graduate students. Two scholarship are specifically for DAR members or DAR-descendants/dependents (you must be able to provide the DAR member’s name, national membership number, and your relationship).

Deadline for these scholarships is 1/31/2021

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Horatio Alger Scholarships

 Application deadline is: October 25,2020

If determination, integrity and courage describe you- you have what it takes to be a Horatio Alger Scholar.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Be enrolled full time as a high school senior in the United States; be progressing normally toward graduation in spring/summer of 2021 with plans to enter a college in the United States no later than the fall following graduation
  • Exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor’s degree at an accredited non-profit public or private institution in the United States (students may start their studies at a two-year institution and then transfer to a four-year institution)
  • Demonstrate critical financial need ($55,000 or lower adjusted gross family income is required)
  • Be involved in co-curricular and community service activities
  • Display integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity
  • Maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; and
  • Be a United States citizen
To apply visit: 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Coca Cola Scholarships

Coca Cola Scholarships  

The Coca-Cola Scholars Program scholarship is an achievement-based scholarship awarded to graduating high school seniors. Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities. With the 32nd class in 2020, the Foundation has provided over 6,300 Coca-Cola Scholars with more than $72 million in educational support. 150 Coca-Cola Scholars are selected each year to receive this $20,000 scholarship. Our application is open! 

Students with at least a 3.0 GPA may apply. 

Deadline for this scholarship is October 31st. Please use the link above for the application and more details.  

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Community College Promise Scholarship

 The Community College Promise Scholarship gives students who plan to attend community college the opportunity to attend for free (up to $5,000 ) if you qualify. Check this out!!!!!

Promise Scholarship

Welcome back to the 2020-21 school year!

 Welcome back to the 2020-21 school year! Hopefully you will find this blog helpful as you get accepted to colleges and begin to decide how you will pay for college. Scholarships will be posted regularly, but will speed up after the new year. Favorite this website on your phone so you can regularly look. Stop by Guidance with any questions! Happy hunting! 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Deb Sheftz Scholarship

If you have completed this scholarship- please forward to Ms. Ryon @

Copies of the application should have come in a Remind text.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Maryland Athletic Association ******UPDATE******

Scholarship program is officially underway!  This 13th annual program has been sponsored by The Allstate Foundation since its' inception in 2008 and recognizes those who have excelled on the playing field and in the classroom.  Applicants must have a minimum 3.25 unweighted overall GPA and have participated in interscholastic athletic activities sponsored by MPSSAA during their high school careers.  Selected male and female recipients receive a $1,000 scholarship and are honored at a luncheon at M&T Bank Stadium on May 28th. 
For 2020, each of the nine MPSSAA districts will have at least one recipient selected along with "at-large" selections up to a total of 12-14 recipients.  Applications consist of completing the online form below which will be available until the deadline of 12 Noon on Friday, April 3rd.  Applicants are reminded to fill out the form carefully and double-check that all requested information has been provided before clicking "Submit".


Monday, March 2, 2020

Concerned black men of Calvert county

Deadline April 29, 2020

This is a $1000 scholarship awarded to African American students who have a minimum 2.0 or better GPA over the last two (2) years of high school.  This scholarship can be renewed if the student maintains a "B" average during freshman year of college.

Applicants must provide letter(s) of acceptance; three (3) letters of recommendation (2 academic and 1 community); high school resume; brief essay; a wallet sized picture and a high school transcript.

Criteria for Selection:

1. Financial/economic need
2. Character and Conduct
3. Participation in school and community Activities
4. Attributes in school and community activities
5. Academic Achievements
 6.Goals and objectives of the student
7. Responsibility

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society

Deadline: May 1, 2020

This scholarship is being offered to a student who is planning on attending a Maryland state school and pursing a career in the field of education.

Two letters of recommendations required as well as a transcript.

$1000.00 for the winner
$700.00 for the alternate

Pick up an application in the scholarship drawer located in the guidance career/college room.

Miss Utility District One Scholarship


Online or Mail Entry. Please send your scholarship application and supporting materials via mail to the following address:
MGH for Miss Utility/District One Call Attn: Gabriella Tancona
100 Painters Mill Road, Suite 600 Owings Mills, MD 21117
To submit online, visit
The envelope must be postmarked by Friday, April 3, 2020. All mail-in entries must be typed and only sent once. Duplicate copies of the
scholarship application and supporting materials will not be considered.

Scholarship recipients from each of the eight zones outlined in the application form, covering Maryland and Washington, D.C., will receive a $1,008.11 single-year scholarship to a two-year or four-year college, university or technical school. Students must be on track to graduate from high school by June 2020 to be considered for the scholarship program. Students must also be enrolled in a two-year or four-year college, university or technical school by Aug. 2020 to receive the scholarship. Should a student not be enrolled in a two-year or four-year college, university or technical school on Aug. 2020, Miss Utility/District One Call has the right to revoke the scholarship. In such a case, an alternative student will be selected from all remaining scholarship program applicants.
Scholarships will be awarded by check directly to the student’s enrolled college, university or technical school. As a result, please note that the scholarship might impact financial aid packages. Should the student’s enrollment status change after the scholarship has been awarded, Miss Utility/District One Call cannot guarantee a transfer of funds to another school.

The Miss Utility/District One Call Scholarship Program will run from Jan. 2020 to April 3, 2020. Winners will be notified via telephone and/ or email by early May 2020.

The Miss Utility/District One Call Scholarship is open only to legal residents of Maryland and the District of Columbia. Applicants must submit all required information to be eligible for the scholarship program. Miss Utility/District One Call has the right to verify the eligibility of each applicant.

Click this link for the application

Maryland Senatorial scholarship ******UPDATE******

Click link for details for this scholarship:

UPDATE- You can still find the application and details about this scholarship in the link above. Below are some changes due to COVID 19. IF you

 Student or Guidance Office is able to mail the transcript (please contact your counselor and we will mail the transcript or if you already have an electronic copy, you can mail it yourself))

1)    Students must complete the application online before the deadline of April 15

2)    An official transcript it can be mailed to the Annapolis office.  Here's the address as it appears in an earlier email:
Chief of Staff - Senator Jack Bailey
District 29 - Calvert & St. Mary’s Counties
James Senate Office Building

Transcript being mailed must have the student's name on it.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Huntington College Scholarship Sweepstakes

Huntington learning center scholarship
Deadline June 30, 2020

You can win up to $4,000.
To enter text 4000 to 84444

Maryland Delegate Scholarship *****UPDATE*****

Maryland Delegate Scholarship : Deadline April 15, 2020

The requirements for this scholarship :
- attending or planning to attend an undergraduate institute in the state of Maryland
- enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours
- reside in Delegate Clark’s District of 29C

You will need to submit your FAFSA, official transcript, and a cover letter.

Applications are available in the guidance scholarship bin or click here for the pdf.

UPDATE: The deadline for this scholarship remains the same. They will take late applications.  Unofficial transcripts will be accepted.You can email transcripts and the application  to:

Transcripts and application can also be mailed to:

Delegate Jerry Clark
PO Box 865
Solomons, MD 20688

You  can also email your application and scholarship to:

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dr.Kenneth Mann Scholarship

Applicants must: 
1)  Graduate from a Maryland public high school in 2020and plan to pursue their elementary teaching degree at a college, university, or trade school in the state of Maryland. 
2)  Articulate and provide a written statement (one page or less) as to your beliefs and commitment toward educating all students. 
3)  Provide transcripts that also include ACT or SAT test scores and your junior year G.P.A. 
4)  Provide two recommendations that would verify your dedication and commitment as a student pursuing a degree in elementary teacher by a faculty member within your school and one by a person outside of your school setting. 
Please note: The above 3 criteria must be completed; otherwise your application will not be considered. 

 Selection Committee: 
1)  Appointed by the president and/or approved by the executive board of MAESP. 
2)  Meet as needed to review applications and make selection. 
DEADLINE FOR APPLYING: February 21, 2020(applications post marked after 2/21/19 will not be considered).   All applications and accompanying information must be submitted to 
Mrs. Terry Ball, Executive Director, 229 E. Main Street, Suite H Westminster MD 211157. Applicants will be notified of their status by March 5, 2020

Southern Maryland Chains Scholarship

Scholarship Award Process:$500.00 Scholarships will be awarded
by the Southern Maryland Chain Chapter, The Links Incorporated.

Eligibility:* United States citizen residing in theCharles, Calvert, and St. Mary’s counties.
*    2020 graduating high school senior
*    Application Process Completed:
Part A—Personal Data
Part B—Academic: Copy of SAT ResultsSchoolAwards;
& Community Involvement
Part C—400-500 word EssayPersonal Interview
Two (2) Letters of Recommendation:
(1 individualSchool & 1 individual—Community)
Part D—Official Transcript/Profile in a Sealed Envelope

Deadline:Return the completed application on or before 
April 1st, 2020 

Issie Jenkins scholarships - MAESP Scholarship Award

Issie Jenkins Scholarship
Deadline: February 20th, 2020

To be eligible a student must:
1. Applicant must possess a 3.0 or above cumulative Grade Point Average (“GPA”).
2. Applicant must include a copy of your class schedule or course credits being taken. Please include any acceptance letter(s) from potential colleges/universities.
3. Applicant must submit three (3) letters of recommendation. See “RECOMMENDATION” section for more information.
4. The scholarship will be given directly to the awardees at the Maryland State Leadership Conference. The awardees/designee need to be present to accept the award. This year the conference will be held March 21st at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Annapolis, MD. The presentation will occur at the luncheon on March 21th at 12:30pm.
5. The applicant must complete the attached form in its entirety or it will not be considered. Please be sure to sign and date the application.
6. The application packet, in its entirety, must be mailed to the address below. This application packet will not be accepted electronically. This ensures that the entire packet arrives as one entity. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
7. Transcripts should be included with your complete packet and MUST be sealed with an official school stamp.
8. A resume must be included in the packet.
9. You must use the official Scholarship Application. The application must
be typed.
10. Only winners will be notified by both a phone call and an email.
11. The application deadline will be Thursday February 20th, 2020.
12. Winners will be notified by March 4th, 2020 via phone call and email.

Friday, February 7, 2020

CSM Promise Scholarship

Promise Scholarship
Can earn up to $5,000 per year.

To be eligible you must:
-Enroll full time 12 credits per-semester
-Have an annual adjusted gross income of not more than
100,000 if applicant is single or resides in a single parent household. 150,000 if applicant is married or resides in a two parent household.
- Submit the FASFA  by March 1st

Applications can be found in the guidance scholarship drawer.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Federal Water Quality Scholarship

DEADLINE: April 6, 2020

The Federal Water Quality Association (FWQA) is seeking young women and men preparing for careers in environmental protection to apply for 2019 scholarships. 
- Graduating seniors from high schools in Washington, DC and surrounding counties, planning on pursuing environmental careers.
- You must be accepted into a 4-year bachelor's program in an acceptable field of study prior to receiving the award. (environmental sciences, environmental engineering, civil engineering, biology, chemistry, chemical engineering, or natural resource planning- other areas may be accepted as well.)

Award: $2,000

You can find this application and more information about it in the PHS Guidance Career Room Scholarship Drawer. 

Monday, February 3, 2020

American Legion Scholarship

Deadline for this scholarship is: March 31, 2020

Up to $5,000 in scholarships to qualified applicants!

This scholarship is local and you must be a child, grandchild or ward of an honorably discharged service person, MIA,POW,KIA, killed on active duty or current member of the US Armed Forces or the parent, grandparent or guardian must be a current or past member of the American Legion Post #274 in Lusby.

Must be admitted to college or university and taking at least 12 credits or attend a vocational or technical school.

Needed:  Transcript, autobiographical essay and copy of Form 214 - discharge papers or Post #274 membership status.

Applications are available in the career/college room in the scholarship drawer.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Optimist Club Scholarship *******UPDATE*******

Deadline : April 15, 2020

-Must be a resident of Calvert County
- Can not be related to anyone in the Optimist Club
- Must be accepted by a college or university approved by the Optimist Club
- Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the July 10th meeting of the Optimist Club to receive their award

Applications can be found in the scholarship drawer in guidance.

UPDATE as of 4/6/2020

The application deadline for the Optimist Club of Calvert's College and Career Scholarships has been extended until June 15 2020.  

If you need a copy of this scholarship, please email Ms. Ryon

Friday, January 17, 2020

Federal Credit Union

DEADLINE: April 1, 2020
Dorothy Marvil  Scholarship
1 Scholarship amount $3,000 
Qualifications: Applicant must meet the following criteria:
 – Member of Educational Systems Federal Credit Union
– Graduating high school senior
– Minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA
– Under the age of 21

 Rosemary Brinkley Business and Finance Scholarship
2 Scholarships amount $3,000 
Qualifications: Applicant must meet the following criteria:
 – Member of Educational Systems Federal Credit Union
 – Graduating high school senior currently enrolled in a business or finance curriculum
 – Minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA

    All of the scholarship information is also included on  You can also find a flier with this information in the PHS Career Room Scholarship Drawer. 

    Esperanza Education Scholarship ****** UPDATE*****

    DEADLINE: APRIL 1, 2020

    The Esperanza Education Fund will again award scholarships of at least $5000 and up to $20,000 to immigrant students in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia to attend public colleges and universities.  Students are eligible for the scholarship regardless of ethnicity, national origin, or immigration status. For more information about the scholarship and to read more about our current scholars, please visit

    The scholarship application is now available and can be accessed through  The application process is entirely electronic, and all applications are due on April 1. 


    If you have any questions, please contact 



    ·      Transcript:  Students do not have to submit an official transcript.  They may submit any other proof they have of their grades – for example, a print-out of grades from the schools website, report cards from each semester, or even a document that the student prepares that lists the courses that they have taken and their grades in each course.

    ·      Recommendations:  because the closure of schools, if students are not able to get a recommendation from a teacher or counselor, both letters of recommendation may be from any adult who knows the student well.

    Masonics Charity of Maryland

    DEADLINE: March 1, 2020

    One hundred finalists will be chosen for this scholarship from across the state, each receiving $500. Two students will receive awards of $2,500 and $5,000.

    Applicants will be chosen based upon:
    • Leadership in School and Community 
    • Participation in School Activities
    • Personal Resume
    • Academics (SAT and GPA documentation preferred)
    • Financial Need
    • References/Recommendation
    • Overall neatness of application

    You can find copies of this application in the PHS Guidance Career Room Scholarship Drawer.

    Friday, January 10, 2020

    PHS PTO Scholarship

    Due Date Deadline: April 24, 2020 3:00pm

    Patuxent High School is offering up to $500 in scholarship funds to students who have been members of PTO for 2 consecutive years, and have taken the SAT or the ACT.

    • You must be a PTO member for two (2) consecutive years.
    • You must have all attachments (listed below) in your package when submitted.
    • You must turn all applications in to Ms. Ryon in Guidance by 3:00pm on April 24, 2020.
    • Follow all instructions on the application, which you can get in the Scholarship Drawer in the Career Room in Guidance. 
    You must have
    • A one or two page, one-sided student resume. 
    • Letters of Recommendation, which must be sealed and signed across the seal. 
    • Your student essay/personal statement. This must be 500 words.

    You can find this scholarship application in the Scholarship Drawer in the Career Room in Guidance.