Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Maryland State Society Daughters of the American Revolution

This Maryland scholarship is located in the scholarship drawer in the guidance office. The link provided are for more national DAR scholarships. Deadlines are coming up soon. January 31st, 2022


Masonic Charities of Maryland Scholarship

 The  Masonic Charities of Maryland  Annual Scholarship Program  has an application deadline of March 4th. 2022. 

Nearly $70,000 will be awarded to Maryland public high school graduating seniors pursuing post-secondary education. One hundred finalists from public schools across the entire state will be selected. Each finalist will receive a $500 scholarship. From these one hundred finalists, six regional winners will be selected to receive an additional $1500 scholarship. From these six, three students will be selected to receive additional scholarships of $1500, $2,500 and of $5,000 presented at our Scholarship Reception in the month of May. Our top two students will receive total scholarships of $4,500 and $7,000. 

Paper applications can be found in the Guidance office, in the Career and College room in the Scholarship Drawer. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Optimist Club of Solomons - Kenny Hoofnagle Scholarship


The Optimist Club of Solomons awards a $2,000 ($500 per year of attendance) scholarship to provide financial assistance to a student graduating from Patuxent High School who plans to go to a 4 year college. 

You can find a paper copy of this scholarship in the scholarship drawer located in the Career and College room in the Guidance office. 

Community College Promise Scholarship



 As some of you complete your college applications for November 1st nd 15th deadlines and work on  finishing up applications for later deadlines, the next question you and your family will have is- how will I pay for college after I get accepted? Check this scholarship blog regularly for updates on scholarships that will be available throughout the school year.

Happy scholarship hunting!