Monday, December 5, 2011

Masonic Charities of Maryland, Inc.

Masonic Educational Grants in the amount of $1000 are being awarded to seniors who plan to attend a two or four year college or a vocational/technical school.  Applicants are judged on the following criteria in order of importance:  1. Participation and leadership roles in community and school activities; 2.  content of a personal resume; 3.  academic record; 4.  need for financial assistance; 5.  evaluation by a school official; 6.  organization, appearance and completeness of the application.

Applications are available in the scholarship drawer in guidance.  The deadline is March 15, 2012

SMECO Scholarship

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO) will select four high school seniors in their service area to receive $1500 scholarships based on scholastic achievement, financial need, and community and school involvement.  Applicants must invlude proof of residency, a letter of acceptance to a college or technical school, the Student Aid Report (SAR) from submitting the FAFSA, a one page essay, typed, double-spaced titled "Why Is a College Education Important to Completing my Lifetime Goals," and two letters of reference.  Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA.  Applications are available in the AP Seminar Room in guidance or at