Friday, January 31, 2020

Optimist Club Scholarship *******UPDATE*******

Deadline : April 15, 2020

-Must be a resident of Calvert County
- Can not be related to anyone in the Optimist Club
- Must be accepted by a college or university approved by the Optimist Club
- Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the July 10th meeting of the Optimist Club to receive their award

Applications can be found in the scholarship drawer in guidance.

UPDATE as of 4/6/2020

The application deadline for the Optimist Club of Calvert's College and Career Scholarships has been extended until June 15 2020.  

If you need a copy of this scholarship, please email Ms. Ryon

Friday, January 17, 2020

Federal Credit Union

DEADLINE: April 1, 2020
Dorothy Marvil  Scholarship
1 Scholarship amount $3,000 
Qualifications: Applicant must meet the following criteria:
 – Member of Educational Systems Federal Credit Union
– Graduating high school senior
– Minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA
– Under the age of 21

 Rosemary Brinkley Business and Finance Scholarship
2 Scholarships amount $3,000 
Qualifications: Applicant must meet the following criteria:
 – Member of Educational Systems Federal Credit Union
 – Graduating high school senior currently enrolled in a business or finance curriculum
 – Minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA

    All of the scholarship information is also included on  You can also find a flier with this information in the PHS Career Room Scholarship Drawer. 

    Esperanza Education Scholarship ****** UPDATE*****

    DEADLINE: APRIL 1, 2020

    The Esperanza Education Fund will again award scholarships of at least $5000 and up to $20,000 to immigrant students in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia to attend public colleges and universities.  Students are eligible for the scholarship regardless of ethnicity, national origin, or immigration status. For more information about the scholarship and to read more about our current scholars, please visit

    The scholarship application is now available and can be accessed through  The application process is entirely electronic, and all applications are due on April 1. 


    If you have any questions, please contact 



    ·      Transcript:  Students do not have to submit an official transcript.  They may submit any other proof they have of their grades – for example, a print-out of grades from the schools website, report cards from each semester, or even a document that the student prepares that lists the courses that they have taken and their grades in each course.

    ·      Recommendations:  because the closure of schools, if students are not able to get a recommendation from a teacher or counselor, both letters of recommendation may be from any adult who knows the student well.

    Masonics Charity of Maryland

    DEADLINE: March 1, 2020

    One hundred finalists will be chosen for this scholarship from across the state, each receiving $500. Two students will receive awards of $2,500 and $5,000.

    Applicants will be chosen based upon:
    • Leadership in School and Community 
    • Participation in School Activities
    • Personal Resume
    • Academics (SAT and GPA documentation preferred)
    • Financial Need
    • References/Recommendation
    • Overall neatness of application

    You can find copies of this application in the PHS Guidance Career Room Scholarship Drawer.

    Friday, January 10, 2020

    PHS PTO Scholarship

    Due Date Deadline: April 24, 2020 3:00pm

    Patuxent High School is offering up to $500 in scholarship funds to students who have been members of PTO for 2 consecutive years, and have taken the SAT or the ACT.

    • You must be a PTO member for two (2) consecutive years.
    • You must have all attachments (listed below) in your package when submitted.
    • You must turn all applications in to Ms. Ryon in Guidance by 3:00pm on April 24, 2020.
    • Follow all instructions on the application, which you can get in the Scholarship Drawer in the Career Room in Guidance. 
    You must have
    • A one or two page, one-sided student resume. 
    • Letters of Recommendation, which must be sealed and signed across the seal. 
    • Your student essay/personal statement. This must be 500 words.

    You can find this scholarship application in the Scholarship Drawer in the Career Room in Guidance.