Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dr.Kenneth Mann Scholarship

Applicants must: 
1)  Graduate from a Maryland public high school in 2020and plan to pursue their elementary teaching degree at a college, university, or trade school in the state of Maryland. 
2)  Articulate and provide a written statement (one page or less) as to your beliefs and commitment toward educating all students. 
3)  Provide transcripts that also include ACT or SAT test scores and your junior year G.P.A. 
4)  Provide two recommendations that would verify your dedication and commitment as a student pursuing a degree in elementary teacher education...one by a faculty member within your school and one by a person outside of your school setting. 
Please note: The above 3 criteria must be completed; otherwise your application will not be considered. 

 Selection Committee: 
1)  Appointed by the president and/or approved by the executive board of MAESP. 
2)  Meet as needed to review applications and make selection. 
DEADLINE FOR APPLYING: February 21, 2020(applications post marked after 2/21/19 will not be considered).   All applications and accompanying information must be submitted to 
Mrs. Terry Ball, Executive Director, 229 E. Main Street, Suite H Westminster MD 211157. Applicants will be notified of their status by March 5, 2020

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